Tabernacles Conference 2024

October 18-20

This is a reminder of the Tabernacles conference that we will be hosting from October 18-20 at the DoubleTree hotel on Park Place Blvd. in Minneapolis! We have held conferences there in past years. The cost for a room is $129 per night, plus appropriate taxes. Considering the inflation rate these days, this is a good price.

Keep in mind that there are two DoubleTree hotels in Minneapolis. We will be meeting at the one on Park Place just off Hwy 394 that heads west out of the downtown area.

As usual, our plan is to livestream most of the sessions. The exception is James Bruggeman, who does not want to do things live but prefers to edit the videos before making them available on his website.

Click the button below to view full details about this conference:

God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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