God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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  • The third Donbass war

    The US-led coup in Ukraine in February 2014 immediately began a Ukrainian offensive against its Russian-speaking population in the east. The Russian provinces then mobilized and declared their independence from Ukraine. This led to the first Donbass war in... Read More

    2 min read
  • Rubles for food

    As the US and much of the world slides into recession and shortages, Russia is doing quite well. Russia’s inflation rate is now about 2 percent, while America’s official rate (which does not include energy or food) is over 8 percent. The actual... Read More

    2 min read
  • News from the battlefront

    There is so much happening in America and around the world that it is hard to keep up with all the events. Yet we must, because it is important to understand what is going on in order to be prepared for anything. In this final showdown between God and Baby... Read More

    4 - 5 min read
  • Sri Lanka bankrupt

    A month ago, Sri Lanka defaulted on a debt payment and was given a month’s grace to come up with the money. The situation only got worse. Now they have officially declared a “provisional bankruptcy,” which means they can pay for a few sma... Read More

    2 - 3 min read
  • How Russian sanctions succeeded and failed

    The US and Europe imposed sanctions on Russia in late February, hoping to destroy Russia’s economy and thus bring about regime change. They also stole Russia’s central bank reserves in Europe—about $400 billion. The Russian ruble immediat... Read More

    3 - 4 min read

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