God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




Latest Posts

  • Progress Report for March

    As you know, I have cut back on the web logs this month in order to catch up on other projects. Here is a report on what has been accomplished this month so far: Reprinted books: 1. The Purpose of Resurrection 2. The Purpose of Law and Grace&n... Read More

    4 - 5 min read
  • How People Manipulate the Stock Market Legally

    Here is an amazing admission from Jim Cramer about how the stocks can be manipulated with only a few million dollars. He knows, because he freely admits how he does it and tells us that others do it but simply won't admit it. If you are interested in t... Read More

    5 - 6 min read
  • How the Chinese Church Found Unity in 1997

    Here is a story from Megashift, by James Rutz, pages 104, 105, which I think you should know: "How important is unity to the Lord? He spoke dramatically to this point in 1997. I got the following report directly from a highly placed U.S. leader... Read More

    4 - 5 min read
  • Personal

    The other day the web site was down. Many of you were concerned. It was just a mixup at the server, who was using the wrong credit card to try to pay the bill. When it didn't work, they suspended the web site. Because of other factors, it took a few ho... Read More

    2 - 3 min read
  • The Gospel's Coming Avalanche: Part 2

    Series: The Gospel's Coming Avalanche - The "bad news" being reported in the press is being written by those who do not know the plan of God. Chances are, if you asked one of those reporters about their "faith," they would say, "I'm a Methodist," or "I'... Read More

    Bible Studies
    5 - 7 min read

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