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As many of you know, brother Vinnie and his family have been on the road for the past month. My last report from Vinnie was posted on June 29. They first went from Florida to Alaska and then flew to Italy, where he was to minister for a few months. However, plans changed, and the nature of their ministry in Italy has been quite different from what they expected. Here is Vinnie’s latest report…
Dear Kingdom Saints,
After what I feel was a great success in Canada, we now find ourselves in the fiery furnace in Italy.
In Canada we had over 60 salvations with 30 baptized in water. Some received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and there were some healings as well. For those who do Facebook, you can follow us at Imperial family ministries.
Below is our latest YouTube video from our outreach in Rome. We also did one in Naples that is on our Facebook page.
We had an amazing miracle in Rome when we walked up to a lady who worked at the Coliseum. When she saw our family she immediately began to cry and did not know why. We explained to her that it was the presence of the Holy Spirit, and we led her to the Lord right there and then. She then asked if we wouldn't mind staying at her apartment and watching her cats for a week while she was gone. She couldn't believe she was asking us to do this and we couldn't believe it either! What provision! This was a token of what we've been praying for, that without instruments or preaching, people will be touched by the presence of God on our lives. This is your inheritance as well!
Please cover us in prayer. There have been some wonderfully anointed times and experiences but there have also been many fiery trials.
Our baby was badly burned the day before we flew to Italy from Vancouver. An ambulance and fire trucks showed up at the restaurant and little Michael was rushed to a nearby hospital then transferred to a pediatric hospital. It truly was horrific! He was burned at the Kingsway sushi restaurant in Burnaby, Vancouver of all places!
He was wrapped up like a little mummy and the doctor cautiously allowed us to fly out the next day. We trusted God and went. Joy tended to his wounds for the next 10 days in brutal heat without air conditioning. My wife is an amazing woman of God! I've always said that after I meet Jesus in heaven I'm running to kiss the man who invented air conditioning! Even though Michael was in pain, you could see the grace on him to endure it. It was amazing to behold.
That was a painful beginning to the fiery trial that the Lord just entered us into. Without going into too much detail, we were attacked by a very judgmental, critical religious spirit. It came from the very "friends," a pastor from Italy and his wife, that invited us here. We never saw that coming! Although we still truly love them and forgive them, we cannot walk with them in their present state. So we find ourselves stranded in Italy with no guide but the Holy Spirit.
Although we've done several outreaches and some meetings in various churches, we now find ourselves with very little money left over for food and no rental car. We have two good brothers in the Lord but obviously don't speak the language. Through it all, my wife and kids have been amazing and resilient, but it surely has not been easy.
Not only do we have present needs here in Italy, but bills accumulating at home as well. Plus we will be on the road in Canada and throughout the States when we return to Vancouver in September. If you are open to housing us for a night or 2 while we travel, that would be a great blessing. Feel free to email me at or call me at 850-255-1000.
If you like to sow into a ministry that is going hard after the glory of God and for souls, then you can do so below either with a one-time gift or monthly donation.
And for all those who have already sowed and are praying for us, we are so very grateful. May it come back to you in a bounding measure in Jesus' name!
Love in Christ,
PS: On a final note, God has used this fiery trial to expose some lies I've believed over the years and some strongholds and has done some deep healing. Even though this leg of the trip has been difficult and not up to my expectations, the Lord has told me that nothing is wasted in God. This has brought great comfort.