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03/27/2025 - The average American knows relatively little about financial or economic matters. I do not normall... Read More
03/26/2025 - I thought it would be helpful to clarify an aspect of the two covenants that most people probably... Read More
03/25/2025 - Here is a short interview with Charles Freeman, former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, in regard to th... Read More
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We have taken the five ministry gifts (Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Prophets, and Apostles) as an outline for the courses of Bible study in this School.
Our purpose is to equip those who are ministering with a knowledge of the Word, so that each will be more effective in fulfilling his or her calling.
Learn MoreOn November 19, 2016 Poland declared Jesus Christ to be the King of Poland. If they can do it, so can we. The only caveat here is that most Poles probably think that if Jesus is king, then the pope is recognized as the highest authority in the land as His “vicar.” We need to go beyond that and make God’s law supreme, rather than church law. We don’t need another Christian nation ruled by men; we need the Kingdom of God ruled by Jesus Christ. But since Poland did indeed declare Jesus to be their King, no doubt Jesus will take that seriously and tell the pope to step aside, if necessary.
In the presence of Polish President Andrzei Duda and other top officials from both church and state, Jesus Christ was officially recognized as the King of Poland in a Catholic ceremony. Declared to be Poland's Lord and Savior, the Messiah was asked to rule over the Polish nation, its people, and its government. The ceremony was held last month at the Church of Divine Mercy in Krakow and then repeated at churches across Poland, marking the 1050th anniversary of the nation's Christianity. The congregation also renounced the devil and all his evil works.
Of course, as more than a few church leaders pointed out, the ceremony did not actually “make” Christ the King of Poland. That is because, in the Christian worldview, Jesus Christ is already King of kings, as well as King over all His creation. So, instead of actually “making” Jesus the King, the Polish ceremony enthroning Christ recognized that sovereignty, with the formalities being described by officials and celebrants as a sign of the willing submission of Poland and its people to the rule of Christ. The ceremony was also not intended to, and could not, add to Jesus' honor or power, religious leaders cautioned. Throughout the mass, though, Christ was asked to rule over every aspect of Polish life.
The people and their leaders prayed for Christ to reign. “Immortal King of Ages Lord Jesus Christ, our God and Savior! In the Jubilee Year 1050 anniversary of the Baptism of the Polish people, in the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, here we Poles bow our heads before you, King of the Universe, together with the authorities, clergy and laity, to acknowledge your reign and dominion over Poland, those living in our homeland and throughout the world,” Poland declared at the ceremony. “We surrender to Thy law, entrust and take you to our homeland and the whole nation.... We confess before heaven and earth, that your reign we need.... Wishing to worship the majesty of Thy power and glory, with great faith and love, we cry out: Rule us Christ!”
Dr. Stephen Jones has been writing blog posts since 2005 on a variety of topics from Bible Studies to World News, and he has been writing books since 1992. Dr. Jones' most important writings came after God brought him back into the full-time ministry in 1991. It is here that all his earlier years of searching the Scriptures began to come into clear focus. He combines a knowledge of the Old and New Testaments with a personal revelation of God that began and developed during the "wilderness" period of his life, which he often refers to as God's True Bible College... Read More
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