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About a month ago Darla and I watched the movie, Heaven is for Real.
We had already read the book in the past year or two and found it quite interesting. It was about a 4-year-old boy, a pastor’s son, who nearly died from a burst appendix that went untreated for three days. He survived, and in the weeks and months after the operation, he would, at times, speak of angels and heavenly things as a matter of normal conversation. Obviously, at the age of four, he had no doctrinal agenda and treated his experience as if it were “normal.”
When his parents questioned him further, he told them that when he was on the operating table, he had gone to heaven and had seen Jesus, angels, and various relatives. He saw his mother crying in the next room. He saw his father “shouting at God” in the chapel. His parents were skeptical but could not explain how he knew things that had never been told to him.
His parents, of course, were curious to know what Jesus looked like. They showed him many traditional pictures and paintings, but he said, “No, that’s not Him.” Finally, they found an online portrait of Jesus that was painted by Akiane, who had had a similar heavenly experience as a child. “That’s Him,” the boy affirmed. See the picture here:
Toward the end of the book (and movie), the boy asked his mother, “Do you know my sister?” His mother wondered what kind of a question that was, since it was obvious that she knew the boy’s older sister. But he countered, “No, my other sister, the one who died in your tummy. She wouldn’t stop hugging me” (in the heavenly experience).
The mother was shocked, because she had never told her son about her miscarriage. She asked him, “What did she look like?” He described her as being older than he was and that she had her mother’s hair color. She then asked, “What was her name?” He replied, “She didn’t have a name; you didn’t name her.”
The parents, of course, did not know if the child was a boy or girl, so they did not think to name the child.
As we drove home from the theater, I recalled that Darla too had a miscarriage many years ago. She had only been about 6 weeks along, and with thyroid problems in those days, her body could not handle a pregnancy. So I checked my records the next day at the office and found the miscarriage occurred on June 6, 1987. Years later, I learned that this was the middle of the Jubilee year (Oct. 1986 to Oct. 1987), the 120th Jubilee from Adam.
So we prayed about this, and the Father told us that we actually had seven children, not just six. The seventh was a girl and that officially she yet had no name, although God, who knows the end from the beginning, knew the name she would be given later.
So we sought the Lord to know what name we ought to give this daughter. The Lord indicated that it was a biblical name, but told us it was not in the Baby Name Book. We asked for Scripture, and He gave us seven Scriptures as clues to her name. The first came from Revelation 21 in regard to the measurement of the temple, saying it was a “length of time.”
Two other phrases that He pointed out to us were “from the beginning,” and “promises to the fathers.” None of these seemed to apply to the topic at hand, which was to find the name for our daughter. It was getting late, and we were tired, so we asked God if we could go to bed and pursue this further the next day. He allowed us to do so, but as we were getting ready for bed, Darla said, “You know, maybe the name is not a conventional name, but is something like Faith, Hope, or Grace. These are all in the Bible.”
As I drifted off to sleep, it occurred to me that the “length of time” and the promise of the fathers was probably the Jubilee. We prayed about this in the morning, and confirmed that our daughter was to be named Jubilee.
The next question was, “Shall we name her now?” No. “Tomorrow?” No. “On the anniversary of the miscarriage?” YES.
So it was revealed that we were to name her Jubilee on June 6, 2014. Well, then, our youngest daughter, Audra, had her baby in Dallas on May 19, and Darla took a plane to Dallas on May 21. I planned to be in Dallas for the Pentecost conference on June 8, so I knew that I would have to be with Darla on June 6. This was something we both had to do before the Divine Court to establish Jubilee’s identity officially and thereby also lawfully claim her as our daughter.
I left Minneapolis on June 2 and taught at some meetings on the way to Dallas. I then arrived in Dallas in the afternoon of June 5 and was able to see our latest granddaughter for the first time. Darla even gave up some valuable baby time and let me hold her for a few minutes.
That night it occurred to me that we had not thought about giving our miscarried daughter a middle name. But as I prayed, the Father gave me the name Grace, which God confirmed the next morning. Darla and I then went before the Divine Court in the third hour of the day (the Court’s morning session). We asked that our daughter would be summoned to the Court with us, and then we declared officially that her name was Jubilee Grace Jones.
Going back a few weeks, Darla told Erin (our second daughter) that she had another little sister. Erin is a registered nurse who has had many years of experience delivering babies in Arkansas. She still does this part time, but now she spends most of her time working at a Pregnancy Counseling Center, where the staff prays at the beginning of each work day. Erin is good at doing ultra-sounds and can show pregnant women pictures of their unborn babies. This humanizes them and tends to help mothers decide to keep the babies instead of aborting them.
They also counsel women who have had abortions and are now trying to cope with the guilt and the many emotional problems that can come from aborting their babies. Often they hold a little memorial service for the aborted baby and give the baby a name. When a pregnant mother decides to abort her child in spite of the counsel, and if that mother does not come to the Center, the staff will hold a memorial service and name the baby.
So Erin has already known of the importance of naming babies that have miscarried or that have been aborted. While I was aware of this, its importance was not a revelation to me until a month ago. I had seen that naming a baby could be important for closure in a mother’s emotional healing, but I did not realize how important this was to the baby, too.
Throughout this process, we came to see that in our case there is also a prophetic aspect to this. Darla’s miscarriage came during the Year of Jubilee in 1987. The following year she got her thyroid treated, and then had two more sons (1990 and 1993). Naming and recognizing Jubilee in 2014 provides a prophetic link between 1987 and 2014. I am not sure what this means, but it is likely that it speaks into the Oct. 16, 2014 transfer of authority from the beast systems to the saints of the Most High.
The Pentecost meetings went well. Yesterday I posted the link to Ustream where you may watch the videos of the speakers.
My own revelation about this year’s Pentecost celebration is about achieving unity and the requirements for unity. I commented on this in the final part of my teaching at the conference. I now expect to walk out this revelation between now and the feast of Tabernacles, as this seems to be the allotted revelation time. As you may recall, each year God reveals something new about the feasts as we celebrate them.