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03/27/2025 - The average American knows relatively little about financial or economic matters. I do not normall... Read More
03/26/2025 - I thought it would be helpful to clarify an aspect of the two covenants that most people probably... Read More
03/25/2025 - Here is a short interview with Charles Freeman, former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, in regard to th... Read More
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We have taken the five ministry gifts (Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Prophets, and Apostles) as an outline for the courses of Bible study in this School.
Our purpose is to equip those who are ministering with a knowledge of the Word, so that each will be more effective in fulfilling his or her calling.
Learn MoreThis article comes from DebkaFile, which in many ways is an outlet for the Israeli intelligence service. They are complaining loudly about President Obama.
US Gen. Martin Dempsey’s assertion Thursday, Aug. 30 that the US would not be “complicit” in an Israel strike against Iran, together with the drastic reduction in the scale of next month’s joint US-Israeli war game disclosed by TIME, add up to a blunt message from US President Barack Obama to Israel: You are on your own! See how you manage without special US weapons and US military backup, including a shield against missile counter-attack, if you decide to defy us and go through with a military operation against Iran....
Obama, who has repeatedly pledged his commitment to Israeli security, is the first American president to cut Israeli adrift against a major threat to its security explicitly posed by Iran....
In the last month, Obama has undergone a change of face: The top US soldier and ambassador Dan Shapiro were told to start treating Israel like a pest and telling its leaders that the administration is fed to the teeth with their clamor for action on Iran.
Why did Obama do this? The article explains that it was part of a deal made with Russia's president Putin, who agreed in return to cut off military aid to Syria and Iran.
During this month, President Vladimir Putin severed Russia’s military ties with Iran and Syria as debkafile reported earlier: Obama reciprocated by cutting Israel down to size. Moscow informed Tehran and Damascus that there would be no more Russian arms supplies after the delivery of the last items in the pipeline. Putin therefore left both Iran and Syria high and dry amid war dangers in return for Obama cutting Israel off from advance military hardware at a time of peril.
In other words, the two leaders decided to end the standoff so as to prevent a full-scale world war. No doubt Iran and Syria are fuming on the other side of the aisle, as they feel abandoned as well. If true, this agreement would work against the Pike Plan for World War III. That plan from the late 1800's called for three great wars, the final one being in the Middle East, which was designed to destroy Christianity, islam, and Judaism at the same time so that Luciferianism could emerge as the light of the world.
Pike is probably rolling over in his grave right now.
Dr. Stephen Jones has been writing blog posts since 2005 on a variety of topics from Bible Studies to World News, and he has been writing books since 1992. Dr. Jones' most important writings came after God brought him back into the full-time ministry in 1991. It is here that all his earlier years of searching the Scriptures began to come into clear focus. He combines a knowledge of the Old and New Testaments with a personal revelation of God that began and developed during the "wilderness" period of his life, which he often refers to as God's True Bible College... Read More
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