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From: Stone Kingdom Ministries
LAST NOTICE: Manassas IV: Spring 2012 Bible Conference
We will hold our fourth annual Spring Bible Conference in Manassas, Virginia, the weekend of March 30, 31, and April 1, 2012. We have a volunteer to coordinate those who wish to share a room, so if that is your wish, I will forward your requests on to Ellen (part of our Atlanta SK Fellowship). I will probably also need to have one or more volunteers to pick up and/or return a few air travelers to the airport (presumably Dulles International). Please phone me if you might be able to help in that area.
The teachers and ministers at this conference will be: Steve Correll, Ohio; Rob Corry, Pennsylvania; Vincent Imperial, Florida; Stephen Jones, Minnesota; Ron Oja, Minnesota; and James Bruggeman, North Carolina.
The venue for the Manassas IV Conference will be the Four Points-Sheraton, same as last year, a wonderful facility. We have reserved a block of rooms at discounted rates for Friday and Saturday nights (and also Thursday and Sunday nights, if you come early or stay late, as many of us do). Be especially mindful that this is not the Easter weekend, which is traditionally a time of high vacancies, and thus it was easier to get a room at the "last minute" in prior years. Don't risk that this year. The longer you wait to make a room reservation, the less chance of them being available at our group rate.
Mention you are with the Stone Kingdom Ministries Conference to get our special rate of $89/night for a room with a king or two doubles. No extra charge for up to four people. To make your room reservations, call the central reservations number for Four Points-Sheraton: 800-368-7764. The contractual cut-off date for those rates is March 25th.
The conference will begin on Friday at 9:30 a.m. It will conclude late Sunday afternoon. We will have the Lord's Supper on Friday evening, along with one or more teachers sharing. Unlike the "big name" conferences, we have a bunch of self-confessed "nobodies" as teachers/ministers. J
Our conference registration fee is zero. We do, however, rely entirely on your tithes and donations to cover the expenses and bless the speakers. (Making the registration fee at #0 leaves the amount given to be strictly between you and the Father. Some can afford to bless more; others come to the conference on a shoestring--but all are equally welcome!) We need to have an advance head count to work with the hotel staff, so please send in the form below, or email us at
Put "Manassas" in the email subject line, lest it be overlooked. Keep an eye on our home page ( ) for any updated conference information there.
REGISTRATION FORM — SKM Manassas IV Bible Conference
o We plan to attend the Stone Kingdom Ministries Spring Bible Conference in Manassas, Virginia March 30-April 1, 2012. We understand we are to make our own room reservations. There will be ___ adults and ___ children in our party. The names in our party are:_______________, ________________, ___________, _____________. There is no fee to attend the Conference. It is important that we have your phone number, and/or email in case of last-minute changes (as happened at Manassas three years ago), or if we have questions for you.
(Please print) NAME ________________________________________ PHONE__________________________
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________________ EMAIL ______________________________