God's Kingdom Ministries
Serious Bible Study




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Light From the Crack
Biblical Novels

A man named Anava discovers a light in a cave that he is exploring, and has an encounter with the Creator. The revelation he receives sends him on a mission to bring light to others. This is a novel designed to teach biblical principles.

Through Timeless Mountains
Biblical Novels

This is the sequel to Light from the Crack. In this sequel, we go back in time to ancient Israel just before the start of the Philistine captivity to talk to the twelve princes of the tribes, Eli, Boaz, and others who lived at that time. I give them a message about freedom and how to avoid captivity.

My Father's Tear
Biblical Novels

This is the third book in The Anava Chronicles, focusing on the main theme of Divine Provision. We go back in time to Israel during their Philistine captivity to interact with Samson and Samuel, first when the boys are five years old, and then again when they are twenty. We keep the feast of Tabernacles at Shiloh with Rephah's family and Samuel, showing the connection between the seven main speeches of Moses and the first seven miracle-signs in the book of John.

Power of the Flame
Biblical Novels

Samson's ministry as a judge was both colorful and tragic. This novel will teach you much about the religion of the Philistines and how their beliefs intertwined with the story of Samson. This novel covers the last 20 years of the Philistine captivity.


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